Flashing the New Firmware

  • Updated
  1. To have the ability to access your gateway through WisDM, first and foremost, make sure the device is running the latest firmware. You can download the latest WisGateOS, which is compatible with all WisGate Edge Gateways from here.
  2. If this is not the case, remedy that by logging to the gateway via the Web UI, navigate to System > Backup / Flash Firmware, and in the Flash new firmware image section make your update by choosing whether or not to Keep settings, Choose File the .bin file you’ve downloaded, and clicking Flash image…


Figure 1: Flashing new firmware image

  1. Follow the instructions on the next screen and wait a few moments.


Figure 2: Firmware verification

  1. After the process is complete, log in again in the Web UI and navigate to the new WisDM


Figure 3: WisDM tab

  1. Switch on the Enable The message in Figure 4 will pop up, read and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Fill in the Company field with the name of the Organization you will use in the WisDM platform. Click Save & Apply.


Figure 4: Agreement