- Sign in with your freshly created account.
Figure 1: Sign-in page
- Your account is empty. An Organization needs to be added. To do so, click the New organization button.
Figure 2: Organizations home screen
- Fill in the needed information and click Next.
Figure 3: Organization information
- On the next screen select the Subscription plan. You can choose between Comunity, Standart, and Professional. Click Next.
Figure 4: Subscriptions
5. If the Comunity subscription is selected, your organization will be created instantly and a confirmation message will be displayed.
Figure 5: Organization is ready
If you choose to select the Standard or the Profesional Subscriptions, you will be redirected to the Company data and billing information page.
Figure 6: Company data and billing information
Fill all fields with the correct information. Note that this data will be used also for the payment process and the invoice.
After all, fields are filled correctly, click Proceed to payment. You will be asked to provide your card details to proceed with the payment.
Here you can read more about WisDM payment security.